HOLY FORK; A colourful, in your face tea towel with, just a little bit of, child and nanna-friendly, edge.
Good Place fans will recognise this one, in fact this was the design that started the whole collection.
Big Bad Words Collection 2020
These tea towel designs and soon to come coasters and chopping boards were going to be part of this fabulous Kickstarter where I'd learn from all the mistakes I made in my first Kickstarter. And then Covid happened and then LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENED because people were stuck at home and I couldn't get my coaster samples. And also the world turned to poop but ANYWAY I have decided to release these tea towel designs as a pre-order without the matching products because if there was a time we needed colourful af sweary tea towels it is right forking now.
- 100% cotton
- Designed and made in the UK
- Wash at 30 to save the world and keep those colours looking sharp