Collection: Dead Cute
I don’t often get out into nature, but it is one of my favourite things. A recent ramble in the woods with a friend made me realise that my eyes are always drawn to the ground. I admire root systems, stroke moss, pick up cool feathers and rocks. I have been known to bring home lichen and sticks (I have a collection in my workroom). My retirement plan is to be Radaghast the Brown from the Lord of the Rings, pockets full of twigs, shells, mushrooms and bird skulls.
Until that time, I will make jewellery inspired by some of my favourite nature things. My aim for this collection was to create something colourful, not overtly Halloweeny or novelty-esque, so it could be worn all of Autumn and beyond. I wanted to celebrate the tiny things that help to break down all the crispy, crumbly, mulchy, gooey things on the forest floors. Heroes of our woodlands, masters of the muck.